United for All Ages is a 'think-do' tank founded in 2010 to create a 'Britain for all ages', tackling big social and economic issues such as loneliness, ageism, care, health, housing and learning.
Its co-founders and directors are Denise Burke and Stephen Burke.
In their work and their lives, they promote interaction between all ages - from intergenerational care and living to grandparenting.
Covid-19 has shown how much we miss mixing and intergenerational interaction. The 2020s will be a decade of reconnection as we recover.
Denise Burke has more than thirty five years’ experience as a leader in the public sector, and is adept at working across voluntary and private sectors. Her experience includes:
supporting local authorities with Childcare Works in the delivery of the Holiday Activities and Food programme with the Department for Education and increasing take-up of tax-free childcare with HMRC
director of pioneering social enterprise for all ages
chair, private nursery group
CEO of smallsteps, the largest childcare company in the Netherlands
adviser to private equity investors in childcare
consultant in integrated and extended services
senior management in early years, youth services and childcare, including for the Mayor of London
strategic change management, reorganisation, restructuring and policy development
commissioner and manager of services
operational management experience of complex programmes from development through to implementation and evaluation
tax inspector
chair of school governors
pioneer in reforming local services
Parliamentary candidate
Stephen Burke has over thirty years’ experience in leadership in the third and public sectors. This includes:
CEO of two charitable foundations promoting ageing well and improving care and tackling disadvantage in the UK and India
director of pioneering social enterprises for all ages
CEO of national charities focused on childcare and eldercare
senior management experience and PR, fundraising and editing in a range of national organisations
leader of and cabinet member at Hammersmith & Fulham council with twelve years as a councillor
non-executive director and vice-chair of Hammersmith & Fulham primary care trust
vice-chair of the governing body of North Norfolk Clinical Commissioning Group and chair of finance and performance
board of Victory Housing Trust (part of Flagship Group)
board member of ACEVO (Association of Chief Executives of Voluntary Organisations), co-chair of Grandparents Plus and trustee/chair of a host of other national and local charities
chair of The Together Project, trustee of Care Rights UK and Tendring Families First
Chair of the Family Mediation Council
Parliamentary candidate
Fellow of Royal Society of Arts, Chartered Institute of Public Relations
Her achievements include:
influencing childcare business growth
initiating the first intergenerational centre for all ages in London
leading the development of national child poverty programmes including the Childcare Affordability Programme
acting as spokesperson and ambassador in London and nationally to ensure the high profile of early years and childcare services
winning prestigious early education and childcare sector recognition awards
commenting regularly in the media on childcare and speaking at national conferences
chairing BBC Children in Need, London and SE Region
chair of governors for two primary schools and a children’s centre
currently Mayor of Wivenhoe as a town councillor in north Essex
His achievements include:
putting action for all ages and co-location of care, housing and learning on the policy and media agenda
getting eldercare high up the public and policy agenda
raising the profile of information and advice on care
leading the campaign for universal children’s centres and securing substantial public investment in childcare
leading major change in local services
influencing public policy from crime prevention and volunteering to care and our ageing society
chairing and leading a range of voluntary sector organisations
regularly contributing to national and social media and speaking at and chairing conferences
contributing to various national commissions, select committees and all party parliamentary groups
being recognised in national awards
co-founding initiatives ranging from the Campaign to End Loneliness, www.downsizingdirect.com and FirstStop Advice to www.goodcareguide.co.uk; Older People in the Media awards and the annual childcare costs survey, and creating the merged Grandparents Plus charity and the Family Mediation Trust
Together Denise and Stephen are United for All Ages
Social Care Personality of the Year
CIPR Sword of Excellence
PR Week charity award
NMT Childcare Business Regional Development award
Caring Times award
Other current activities include:
Quality in Ageing and Older Adults editorial board and guest editor
Brave Starts adviser
School governor
Parish/town councillor
Charity chair, treasurer, trustee
What they say about us