News from United for All Ages
What we say
NEW It's time for a new intergenerational contract - see United for All Ages' March 2025 newsletter packed with news, views, resources and events for all ages
NEW Staff experience and perception of intergenerational projects between care home residents and children - download a new research report by Ava Jouvenel from University of Essex, published by United for All Ages
NEW Showcases launched - the first two United for All Ages Showcases are on 5 February (featuring Lemonade) and 11 March (featuring STANd). Details of how to join the online events are in our February e-news along with other news, ideas and reports.
See the LEMONADE Showcase: On 5 February, the first United for All Ages’ virtual Showcase shone the light on intergenerational projects and practice with ‘Back us and we’ll back you’: The impact of a community-based food model on intergenerational relationships, health, wellbeing and social connectedness. It was delivered by the LEMONADE team at United St Saviours and their Appleby Blue almshouse in Bermondsey. For a video recording of the zoom meeting, please contact
Five to strive for to build a Britain for all ages in 2025 - see United for All Ages' January newsletter for news, views, resources and events for an action-packed year ahead
United for All Ages' submission to the Health and Care Committee - see our paper to the select committee inquiry into the costs of inaction on adult social care reform and why we need a full cost-benefit analysis now
Why political will is the answer to tackling the care crisis, not a commission - our letter to The Guardian
Budget begins to build a better Britain for all generations - see the latest news, views, events and resources in United for All Ages' November newsletter
Prevention is Better: how intergenerational action can boost social and economic wellbeing for all ages - see United for All Ages' new briefing for policymakers here
October news from United for All Ages - news, views, resources and events here
Changing Britain for all ages - ten intergenerational steps towards shared futures: See United for All Ages' briefing for the new government on how joined up action for all ages could create a Britain that is socially connected and economically just. Download here and share with your MP. See more in our July newsletter
Life stories with After Cloud: United for All Ages is pleased to support a new app which enables families, friends, carers and communities to share memories and life stories across generations. Find the After Cloud app by visiting:
Election special - the intergenerational challenge for the next government: United not divided! United for All Ages' June newsletter with resources, ideas and policy proposals post-election.
Global Intergenerational Week 24-30 April #GIW24 - United for All Ages e-newsletter special on some of the highlights - and win an award for the best #GIW24 activity
April for all ages! April promises intergenerational action galore with Global Intergenerational Week and April for All Ages. See March/April news from United for All Ages and let us know what you are doing in April
Older and young people together - a brilliant article about the care-home nursery run by Ready Generations at Belong Chester in The Guardian
Tackling ageism, celebrating intergenerational action, building communities for all ages - see February 2024 news from United for All Ages
Bring on 2024 for all ages - January 2024 news from United for All Ages - news, views, events and resources on all things intergenerational here
Fernbees intergenerational video - a great demonstration of the power of intergenerational interaction at a care-home nursery in Stockport run by Olea Care
November 2023 news from United for All Ages - connecting a world for all ages, our latest newsletter reflects the the growth in bringing generations together with news, views and resources
September 2023 news from United for All Ages - the rise and rise of intergenerational action plus news, views and resources in our latest e-news
July/August news from United for All Ages - importance of 'mixing matters' drives intergenerational growth, plus lots of news, views, activities and resources in our latest e-news
April/May news from United for All Ages - looking forward to Global Intergenerational Week and other events, activities and resources to bring generations together in our latest e-news
February news from United for All Ages - all the latest on intergenerational living, learning, care, housing and communities in our e-news
Shared sites - care homes and nurseries - Denise Burke will be speaking at the Nursery World Business Summit on 7 March 2023
January news from United for All Ages - 2023, the year of living intergenerationally. Our latest news, resources and events here
September/October news from United for All Ages - a new era for Britain? Our latest news, resources and events here
July/August news from United for All Ages - a fresh start for a summer for all ages, with lots of news, resources and events here
April/May news from United for All Ages - bringing Britain together - the power of intergenerational interaction and a ten week challenge, plus lots of news, resources and events here
March/April news from United for All Ages - sharing homes and bills: intergenerational living is the future, plus lots of news, resources and events here
February/March news from United for All Ages - intergenerational news, resources and events here
Opportunities for intergenerational living? A discussion on how the new government taskforce on housing options for older people could also promote intergenerational living. A special zoom meeting of the Intergenerational Housing Network on Tuesday 22 February. See our March/April newsletter above for a report.
Creating high streets for all ages - the meeting of the Intergenerational Housing Network on Tuesday 1 February heard from Caroline Hargreaves who is managing Gateshead council's high street regeneration plans. See Caroline's slides
January 2022 news from United for All Ages - get planning for 2022, find out more about the Intergenerational Housing Network, and see updates on lots of events and resources to support more mixing here
November/December 2021 news from United for All Ages - will 2022 be a year for all ages, where next for intergenerational living/housing plus resources and events galore in our latest newsletter
The 30 November meeting of the Intergenerational Housing Network featured great presentations by Clarion Housing Group and InCommon. See a recording of the meeting at: Passcode: dnM+eT02
NEW Models of intergenerational care - see a presentation by Stephen Burke to a national conference on relational care this autumn
August meeting of Intergenerational Housing Network - the network's meeting on 19 August featured two presentations: by Makespace Oxford on how they are transforming high streets across Oxfordshire and by the School of International Futures on their new tools for assessing intergenerational fairness in public policies. To see a recording, visit Passcode: U3Fe!e2#
The latest news from United for All Ages - green shoots this autumn, plus resources and events galore in our Sept/Oct 2021 newsletter. Please see our July 2021 newsletter on new projects, the Intergenerational Housing Network plus news and views, resources and events. Also our June 2021 newsletter
Where next for intergenerational living? The 29 April meeting of the Intergenerational Housing network featured great presentations about health and well-being at Ebbsfleet Garden City and about moving beyond age segmentation.
Intergenerational Living - see Deb Wyatt's dissertation on intergenerational housing, packed full of resources and examples,
Intergenerational Housing Network - the network's zoom meeting on 23 February featured a presentation by Nigel Saunders of Pozzoni about developments in Greater Manchester and discussion and updates on key issues.
Designing to meet needs - Zoe Phillips' dissertation focuses on thinking beyond generations to design more inclusively.
Intergenerational care and dementia - see the Housing and Dementia Research Consortium's annual webinar with guest speakers held on 26 January on YouTube.
Inauguration hope for the UK? Time to create a Britain that works for all ages and future generations - article by Stephen Burke
Together for Tomorrow - ILC-UK's Future of Ageing conference on 3 December 2020 focused on the impact of increasing longevity for all generations and why we must plan now to make the most of ageing for future generations. Great speakers helped deliver the best intergenerational event of the year. To view the conference on catch up, see here
Changing high streets, creating inclusive intergenerational living and shared spaces - help deliver our vision for creating high streets of the future as retail and office spaces empty. See the Intergenerational Housing Network's vision paper.
Intergenerational Housing Network -the November 2020 meeting featured presentations by the winning and shortlisted entries in Enfield council's competition for an intergenerational housing development. Plus lots of other ideas, news and plans. See this note for key links and a recording of the meeting with full presentations.
Intergenerational Linking between young people and older people living in care homes - view a recent webinar hosted by Care Home Friends and Neighbours: Intergenerational Linking Project. Hear about the project and help to make intergenerational linking happen. Grants are also available in England from The Dunhill Medical Trust.
Autumn for All Ages - after months of lockdown, it's time for intergenerational action this autumn from September to November. See the flier for more information and below are ideas galore for Autumn for All Ages in socially distanced times. See how Torbay council is taking part this autumn
Sustaining intergenerational connections at a time of crisis - a new report by InCommon and Clarion Futures on keeping connected during the coronavirus crisis is here
Intergenerational Housing Network - the most recent meeting of the network was a virtual discussion on 28 July about opportunities from changing high streets and influencing for intergenerational housing. Notes from the meeting are here. Leave comments on our Forum on this site about these issues.
Intergenerational housing resources can also be found at Housing Learning and Improvement Network
Connecting isolated groups during COVID-19 - please see our evidence to the APPG on Social Integration's inquiry about the impact of coronavirus on social connection for isolated groups
Coronavirus - intergenerational projects should follow the latest government guidance re COVID-19. Umbrella organisations like Early Years Alliance and National Care Forum have also issued advice.
Intergenerational programmes: exploring the potential benefits for pre-school children - executive summary of research in Bristol by Lois Peach
National Intergenerational Week - local and national activities were held during 23-29 March 2020 coordinated by St Monica Trust Our blog on issues and activities for the week.
Growing Together - fifty inspiring ideas for intergenerational learning by Lorraine George published by Yellow Door. Special 10% discount for United for All Ages supporters quoting GT10
Together in the 2020s - twenty ideas for creating a Britain for all ages by 2030: download United for All Ages' new report and news release, published in January 2020
Positive Thinking - All under one roof?: on 1 January 2020, BBC Radio 4 discussed how to scale up schemes like Homeshare and Haringey's pioneering intergenerational housing project for older and younger people. Find out more about the programme here More tips on intergenerational housing here
Seeing is believing - the Intergenerational Housing Network visited Hull in February 2020 to see an extra care scheme for adults of all ages and hear from the recent winner of The Guardian public servant of the year award for a pioneering intergenerational project supporting young entrepreneurs. Notes and links from the visit are here
Football can bring young and old together - the power of football clubs to lead intergenerational projects was demonstrated when United for All Ages sponsored Brentford's match vs Fulham in December 2019
Intergenerational Learning in Practice - a wide-ranging book with chapters on innovative projects from the UK and elsewhere in Europe, USA and Australia for practitioners, professionals and academics can be purchased here
The Intergenerational Evaluation Toolkit - developed over 15 years by Generations United and Dr Shannon Jarrott in the USA, this is a crucial tool for measuring impact
Rethinking intergenerational housing - Matter Architecture has researched how people of all ages and backgrounds can live independent lives in housing that enables them to share knowledge, skills and experience. See the online resource
Third meeting of Intergenerational Housing Network - see the minutes from 17 October 2019 meeting in Westminster and the presentations by Roland Karthaus of Matter Architecture and Alan Marples of Riverside
Submissions to the APPG on Social Integration inquiry into intergenerational connection - see United for All Ages' evidence on co-location and the Intergenerational Housing Network's evidence on intergenerational housing
#AllAgesAugust - what are you doing in August? Share fun, activities and experiences with other generations - flyer here and news release here
Intergenerational Housing Network - its second meeting on 2 July 2019 in Leeds featured presentations by Beryl Gillespie of CHS Group, Jennifer Challinor of Crichton Trust and Deborah Fox of Homeshare UK, plus minutes here. Please contact Stephen Burke if you want to join the network - the next meeting is in London on 17 October
The Best of Both Worlds - the new report by Generations United and the Eisner Foundation sets out how to create more intergenerational shared sites bringing older and younger people together across the USA. Report and news release here
Healing the Generational Divide - we have warmly welcomed the new report by the All Party Parliamentary Group on Social Integration on creating communities for all ages, bringing older and younger people together, tackling division and ageism, and building trust and understanding between generations
The next generation: how intergenerational interaction improves life chances for children and young people - see United for All Ages' 2019 report and news release on how mixing with older people boosts children's skills, confidence and opportunities while tackling ageism and loneliness #thenextgeneration
Intergenerational Housing Network - following the first meeting of the network on 21 March 2019, download presentations by Emma Garland and by Gill Taylor and Yasmin Drakes plus the minutes. Please contact Stephen Burke if you want to join the network
Are you a nursery practitioner or nanny looking to link with an older people's care home or housing scheme? Then see our new guides to getting started, created with Tinies Childcare, the UK's largest network of childcare agencies supporting childcare professionals in permanent or temporary employment
Help create 500 centres for all ages across the UK by 2023 – in spring 2019 we ran a series of free regional workshops to help make it happen - in Leeds (27 Feb), Manchester (28 Feb), Peterborough (5 Mar), London (6 Mar) and Bristol (7 Mar). Watch this space for further events.
BBC consultation on free TV licences for people aged over 75 - intergenerational fairness needs a proper review of taxation, not tinkering with TV licences. Read United for All Ages' response
How nurseries can share sites with care homes – co-location of care was featured at the Nursery World Business Summit in November 2018 with a presentation by United for All Ages
Getting involved – many local groups are contacting us about building links between care homes and informal childcare. Here are some Tips for parent and toddler groups planning activities with a local care home. Five social and economic reasons why care homes should adopt an intergenerational approach here.
Early Years TV interview on intergenerational care – Denise Burke gives practical advice and support to early years professionals looking to set up co-located care with nurseries and care homes here
Making co-location of care happen – United for All Ages is working with providers of older people’s housing and care and providers of childcare to create shared sites bringing old and young together. For more on the ‘how to’, please contact us
Parliamentary inquiries tackle intergenerational issues – read our responses to inquiries by the Lords economic affairs select committee on care funding, the social integration APPG on intergenerational connection, and the Lords select committee on intergenerational fairness
A Life Less Lonely by Nick Duerden – great new book on tackling loneliness features centres for all ages like care-home nurseries. United for All Ages supporters can get 30% off the RRP using code KINDER30 at the checkout at
#mixingmatters – United for All Ages’ 2018 report on how shared sites can bring older and younger people together to promote intergenerational care and learning, housing and communities. See Mixing Matters
Learning from Intergenerational Housing Projects in the USA – this new report by Emma Garland following her Winston Churchill Fellowship in the USA has essential lessons for developing new housing schemes in the UK
Mixing and mending – a BBC video about the UK’s first intergenerational café in Liverpool where people of all ages mix and sew, bake and mend all sorts of things
All in Together – a report from Generations United and the Eisner Foundation on shared sites in the USA, creating places where older and younger can people thrive – full report here
Ofsted gives the green light for co-located care – Ofsted has issued guidance to its inspectors on registering and inspecting shared sites with childcare and eldercare services for younger and older people. The guidance covers scenarios involving nurseries and childminders based at care home sites and can be seen here
Starting Young: lifelong lessons from the USA – see Lorraine George’s report on intergenerational care and learning following her Winston Churchill Fellowship in the USA with recommendations for the UK
First primary school to host a day centre for older people with dementia – launched in Redbridge, the day centre at Downshall primary school brings together older people and children to learn and grow together. Featured on BBC Breakfast TV and in The Guardian
Ending age apartheid – how the ‘care-home nursery’ can bring old and young together – our lecture to the Royal Society of Medicine’s Innovations Summit
The first ‘care-home nursery’ in this country – Apples & Honey nursery opened at Nightingale House, a care home, bringing older and young people together with their families. Lovely BBC news film here. It’s the first example in the UK of a shared site with integrated activities, following the USA, Japan, Singapore, Australia, Canada and elsewhere in Europe. See more here and here
Making bridges with music –Evaluation Report by Plymouth University of Torbay council’s music project bringing older and young people together with childminders and care homes
How downsizing home can help all generations – see United for All Ages’ submission to the House of Commons Communities and Local Government Select Committee inquiry into housing for older people
Families get tougher on quality of care – the latest analysis of reviews left on Good Care Guide. See news release
A Country for All Ages: ending age apartheid in Brexit Britain: United for All Ages’ 2017 report on how different generations can be brought together – see report
Creating age-friendly cities – a Parliamentary briefing for national and local politicians, planners, housing and transport providers
Fairness for all ages United for All Ages’ report Fairness for all ages – twenty radical ways to promote intergenerational equity features contributions from twenty national organisations on tackling inequality between generations
Downsizing home – United for All Ages’ latest website,, encourages and supports older people and their families to downsize home. Providing free advice and practical support, the site aims to help older people to move to ‘the right place at the right time’ – a win-win for all generations
Building a Britain for All Ages – this United for All Ages report calls for a new contract between the generations, with ten ways to build a Britain where people of all ages can prosper. Read the report here
Commission on the Voluntary Sector and Ageing – looking at the implications for all voluntary organisations of our ageing society. See the Commission’s website for its reports and get future-proofing!
Social Integration Commission – looking at how we mix across age, income and race. Three reports have been published by The Challenge together with the British Integration Survey 2016.
Good Care Guide hosts millions of visits – the only website where families using childcare and eldercare can rate and review their care providers. See Channel 4 News about reviews on Good Care Guide, which was developed by United for All Ages and My Family Care to help families choose care and improve the quality of care. See Good Care Guide here
A Future for All Ages - the third report from United for All Ages published in 2013 focuses on how growth starts with homes, care and jobs
Cross Generational Housing – a report by Michael Keith on designing homes where three or more generations of the same family could live together under one roof, published by United for All Ages here
Investing in the future - United for All Ages' second report on wealth, work and welfare in a multi-generational society, published in 2011
Scrap the Cap: ten reasons why the cap on care costs should be replaced (not just postponed) by a fairer way of funding care for older people. A campaign by National Pensioners Convention, Unison and United for All Ages
United or Divided? - United for All Ages's first report on developing a 'cradle to grave' contract between generations, published in 2011
Awards for All Ages – the most recent winners were announced here. They show how action by and for all ages can tackle some of the big social issues facing Britain. See film of the presentation and the winners talking about their projects here.
A ‘think and do’ tank and social enterprise bringing older and younger people together, United for All Ages has been developed by Stephen Burke and Denise Burke. It builds on their experience working with people of all ages. United for All Ages is working to bring people of all generations together through shared sites, shared activities and shared interests to create a Britain for all ages.
See us here:
Tackling Loneliness - a new film on projects bringing older and younger people together
Generation Game - a feature in The Times on how The Together Project is bringing older and young people together to tackle age segregation and ageism
The rise, fall and rise of intergenerational care An article in the May 2024 edition of Care Talk by Denise Burke
A lifetime of issues and passions, campaigning and learning An interview with Stephen Burke by Mervyn Eastman for Age Speaks on East London Radio
Stronger Together? How have intergenerational relations fared during lockdown? A Covid review by Stephen Burke for a special edition of the Quality in Ageing and Older Adults journal
A tipping point for intergenerational housing and care? A radio interview with Stephen Burke by Housing LLARC and Elders Council of Newcastle
Why town centres have intergenerational appeal - an article by Stephen Burke and Roland Karthaus in Municipal Journal on opportunities to create intergenerational housing, shared spaces and inclusive living
Where next for intergenerational care? The summer edition of Care Talk magazine
#AllAgesMatter in solving our housing and loneliness crises - six predictions for intergenerational housing in ILC-UK blog
Creating communities for all ages - Stephen Burke sets out how councils can bring older and younger people together in the Municipal Journal
Intergenerational care in the early years - a guide to getting started published by Famly
The gap between young and old has turned Britain into a dysfunctional family - John Harris in The Guardian
Coverage of United for All Ages' Together in the 2020s' report including- Sky News, The Guardian, The Independent
'Every moment here is magical' - Essex school wins dementia award - Sally Weale in The Guardian
Getting the vision right for social care before deciding how to pay for it - Stephen Burke's letter to The Times
How the new government can create a country for all ages in the 2020s - Stephen Burke's blog for Housing LIN
See our recent letters to the national press - The Observer (bringing Britain together), The Times (free personal care) and The Guardian (centres for all ages)
LISTEN Grassroots action to tackle age segregation - Susan Flory's The Big Middle podcast interview with Stephen Burke
Building positive futures through intergenerational contact - Early Years Educator
Taking from the old to give to the young - Stephen Burke's letter in The Guardian on the House of Lords select committee report on tackling intergenerational unfairness
Playtime with nursery toddlers revitalises care home residents - in The Times Read the executive summary of the research at Nightingale House
NEW Care Home Professional features good practice in intergenerational care - Care Home Professional
The March edition of Care Talk has an intergenerational theme with lots of articles about what's happening in the UK - Care Talk
Five reasons your care home should adopt an intergenerational approach - Insequa blog
Mixing the growing and the greying benefits divided Britain - Sky News
How the elderly can help the young - and help themselves - in The Observer
Baby boomers led the cult of youth. Now we should heed the wisdom of age - in The Observer
Workshops pave the way to bringing young and old together - in Nursery World
Tots and elderly are great for each other - in Daily Mirror
Toddlers help 'light up' faces of care home residents - BBC Online
Ambitious intergenerational co-location project unveiled - in Nursery World
Children in care homes: it makes residents feel more human -in The Guardian
When Beryl, 86, met Scarlett, four - love and affection across the ages - in The Observer
New series of show that unites nursery children with the older generation - in Nursery World
Shared spaces build a stronger country – read Stephen Burke’s letter in The Guardian
Intergenerational care – practical advice from Denise Burke on Early Years TV
The sky's the limit for intergenerational action - Stephen Burke's feature in Care Home Environment
Unite the generations – read Stephen Burke’s letter in The Observer(scroll down)
Uniting three generations through training tomorrow’s carers – Stephen Burke in Nursery World
Holding back the years – BBC1 TV programme on the care-home nursery with Stephen Burke, watch from 33 minutes
Help all ages to mix for a healthier society – Stephen Burke in The Guardian
Why parents think the care-home nursery is a game changer – Stephen Burke in Huffington Post
Build care homes by schools to mix generations – Stephen Burke in The Times
Lessons for life: a primary school hosts a day centre for older people – Stephen Burke in The Guardian
Ending age apartheid – Stephen Burke in Public Sector Focus
It’s like being reborn: inside the care home opening its doors to toddlers – Stephen Burke in The Guardian
The first care-home nursery in the UK – Denise Burke in Nursery World
Interview on intergenerational care – Stephen Burke in Nursery World
The American care model that benefits old and young alike – and could come to the UK soon – in The Observer here
Private care home residents pay £10,000 a year stealth tax – in Daily Telegraph here
Families get tougher on quality of care services – in Daily Telegraph here
Intergenerational care: bringing old and young together – in Nursery World here
The gap between old and young must be bridged – read Daily Telegraph editorial here
Underfunding of social care stores up trouble for the future – read Stephen Burke in The Guardian here
Increased longevity means working practices must change – read Stephen Burke in The Observer here
The consequences of Brexit for care – read Stephen Burke in The Guardian here
Five ways to survive a three generation household – read Stephen Burke at the BBC here
Elderly in care homes forced to accept price hikes at short notice – read Stephen Burke in Daily Telegraph here
Plummeting satisfaction with home care due to short visits and staff attitudes – read Stephen Burke in Daily Mail here
Shortage of places puts free 30 hours childcare in doubt – read Stephen Burke in Nursery World here
Social care crisis can be tackled – read Stephen Burke in The Guardian here
Are Trip Advisor-style ratings the best way to measure social care services? – read Stephen Burke in The Guardian here
Care Quality Commission Annual Report 2015 – read Stephen Burke in The Guardian here
We must rethink society to be fair to all age groups – read Stephen Burke in The Observer here
Questions re council tax rise to pay for care – read Stephen Burke in The Guardian here
Care costs cap delay – government urged to resolve funding crisis – read Stephen Burke in The Guardian here
Five things the next government should pledge for older people – read Stephen Burke in The Guardian here
Older people as voters – special edition of Quality in Ageing and Older Adults edited by Stephen Burke here
Help older people to solve the housing crisis – read Stephen Burke in The Guardian here
CCTV in care homes – read Stephen Burke in The Guardian here
Old and young must unite to solve Britain’s problems – read Stephen Burke in The Guardian here
Poor care shown by Panorama ‘tip of the iceberg’ – read Stephen Burke in The Guardian here
Investment needed to improve quality of home care – read Stephen Burke in The Guardian here
Making universal childcare a reality – see Denise Burke’s letter to The Guardian here
We all benefit when society engages with older people – see Stephen Burke’s letter to The Observer here
Lack of housing choice for older people – see what Stephen Burke says here
Letter to The Guardian: sorting out childcare – read Stephen Burke here
Letter to The Guardian: sorting out eldercare – read Stephen Burke here
Care for children and older people remains undervalued and underfunded – read Stephen Burke here
Three reasons to be fearful about care cap – read Stephen Burke here
Quality in Ageing and Older Adults – special intergenerational issue. Guest-edited by United for All Ages, this special edition has ten articles about how action for all ages is the key to tackling social and economic issues from health, care and loneliness to work, housing and theatre. More details here
Shared experiences – we’re better when we’re united for all ages – read Stephen Burke here
Some childcare problems are easy to fix – read Denise Burke here
Invisible army of carers must get support – read Denise Burke here
Older people deserve better designs for living – read Stephen Burke here
Austerity: the rise of the Royle family lifestyle – read the article here
Winners of the 2011 Awards for All Ages – read winners' brochure
A cure for prevention? – read Stephen Burke on an early offer of help for older people here
Investing in the future – read the policy paper
Nothing is for free – read Stephen Burke here
All you need to know about Dilnot – read the article here
The zombie plans for health and care – read the article here
A new way to pay for care – read Stephen Burke here
Rising care costs test generational ties – read the article here
A fairer way to pay for care – read Stephen Burke here
Awards for all ages – read Stephen Burke here
Shared centres for all ages could help beat cuts – read Stephen Burke here
Explain, explain, explain – read Stephen Burke here
There’s no place in the Big Society for our forgotten older generation – read the article here
A silver lining? – read Stephen Burke here
Parents defend children’s centres – read interview with Denise Burke here
Councils commissioning the third sector – read Stephen Burke on The Guardian’s local government network panel here and here
The closure of children’s centres is not inevitable – letter from Denise and Stephen Burke here
Brand new year – read Stephen Burke here
Nursery funding for two year olds – interview with Denise Burke here
Why we are sending Christmas cards – read Stephen Burke here
Getting down to business – read Stephen Burke here
Tough times call for risk taking – read Stephen Burke here
Going public – read Stephen Burke here
Giving better advice about care – read Stephen Burke here
The council and charity collaboration – read Stephen Burke here
National care service – what’s the big idea? – read Stephen Burke here
A future for long term care – read Stephen Burke here
Grey eminence – interview with Stephen Burke here